Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Favorite Crochet Magazine

I have a crochet magazine I love. It is called Magic Crochet. I love this magazine because it makes crocheting much easier. Unlike most crochet books or magazines Crochet Magic has diagrams.

It makes it easier for you to see what you are supposed to do. This way it is a lot easier to comprehend the instructions. The instructions are written in two different ways. First they have directions in words. They also have a diagram with symbols for each pattern. When you come across a symbol that is rarely used they have a definition at the bottom of the page.

It is hard to get this magazine any more. They stopped publishing this magazine several years ago. The only place that I have found them is Ebay. I was given quite a few issues for presents last year for my birthday and Christmas.

Now I have enough patterns to last me a long time.
